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This document is describes how to install BOLD for typical usage. If you want to install BOLD for development purposes, we refer you to the CONTRIBUTING section.

The BOLD platform depends on postgresql and stardog databases for knowledge graph and state storage. In the following steps we discuss their setup as well as necessary steps to get BOLD up and running.

Database Setup

If you have already postgresql and stardog databases installed, you can skip this step. In this step we discuss their setup as docker containers.

Note: StarDog is free but requires a license. Request a free license at Place the license as dev/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin in the project root.

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
  • Build the Docker images: docker-compose build
  • Start the database services: docker-compose up

Docker setup

If you want to install BOLD for development purposes, we refer you to the CONTRIBUTING section. In this step we describe steps on how to run BOLD as a docker container.'

  • Build docker images: docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml build
  • Start BOLD and the relevant services: docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml up
  • Open the BOLD web interface:

Build docker image from source (optional)

Build docker image from source if you want to run newest or modified version of BOLD. In this step we describe steps on how to run BOLD as a docker container.'

  • Build docker images: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.standalone.yml build
  • Start BOLD and the relevant services: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.standalone.yml up
  • Open the BOLD web interface:

Enabling GPT code completion

To enable code completion with GPT you need an OpenAI API key. If you don't have one, you can request one at Once you have a key, create file backend/.env and add the following line:



You can configure your bold installation by creating backend/.env file and setting following variables:

  • DEBUG: Set to False to disable debug mode.
  • STARDOG_ENABLE: Set to False to disable local dataset downloads and search indexing. This is useful if you don't have a stardog instance running.
  • DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME: Set to the username of the superuser. (default: admin)
  • DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: Set to the password of the superuser. (default: admin)
  • DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL: Set to the email of the superuser.