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Project Structure

This document is aimed to be a quick introduction to help a potentially new contributor understand how to navigate this project.

File Organization

The projects files are organized in the following way:

  • backend: Contains the Django backend and worker source code.
  • dev: Contains the development scripts and docker configs.
  • docs: Contains the mkdocs documentation.
  • frontend: Contains the react frontend source code.
  • storage: Is the directory where the BOLD runtime files are stored.
  • tools: Contains rust based BOLD cli tools for RDF preprocessing and search indexing.

Backend Structure

The BOLD backend is split into multiple modules that are responsible for different parts of the BOLD system.

  • backend: Contains the Django and celery configuration.
  • datasets: Is responsible for all dataset related operations such as import and management.
  • frontend: Contains static files generated by the react frontend.
  • reports: Is responsible for all report related operations such as management and cell execution.
  • shared: Contains shared utility code used by all the modules.
  • tasks: Contains framework for asynchronous execution and tracking of tasks.
  • users: Contains all user related operations such as authentication and management.

Frontend Structure

The BOLD frontend follows standard react and typescript conventions for code organization.

  • components: Contains all the UI components which can be used in any context.
  • containers: Contains all the UI containers which combine multiple components into combined user interfaces.
  • hooks: Contains hooks for data from state extraction.
  • pages: Holds complete pages used in navigation and frontend.
  • providers: Contains all the data providers and hooks used for managing state of the application.
  • services: Holds service apis for the backend, LODC and TriplyDB.
  • theme: Contains the mui theme configuration.
  • types: Contains typescript type definitions for data structures used in the application.
  • utils: Contains utility functions.
  • App.tsx: The main entry point for the application.



  • Dataset - The dataset model is used to manage the data sources and local datasets. It stores handles to local and remote resources.
  • Report - The report model is used to manage the reports. It stores the cells and the results of the cells in the notebook json field.
  • Task - The task model represents a scheduled task. It stores a handle to the celery task and the information about the task status.