Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus


Jeroen D. Mulder

Beth Grandfield

Ellen L. Hamaker

These course materials are part of the course Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus (S20). It is a five-day summer school course hosted by Utrecht University’s department of Methodology and Statistics. The main objective is to learn how to analyze several models with Mplus (e.g. path models, multiple group models, mediation and moderation, confirmatory factor analysis, and longitudinal models). More in-depth lectures on the fundamentals of Mplus and advanced longitudinal models are discussed in the advanced course (S23).

Using the menu on the left, you can navigate to the exercises of each day.

Help and Resources: SEM Analyses

Some resources about learning more about particular analysis in Mplus are:

  • The Mplus User Guide.
  • The Mplus Discussion Forum. Although it has been closed for new questions for some time now, you can still access the hundreds (if not thousands) of questions and answers. You can access the forum here, or simply google your analysis of interest and add “mplus forum” in the search prompt.