15:15 Presentation
15:30 Installation
15:40 Live coding
Source geeksforgeeks.org
Source: scientificcoder.com
Source: scientificcoder.com
In R you get exposed to the “two-language” problem quickly if you want to look at internals in some statistical packages. Whenever you try to get to how things are actually done and you want to open the “black box”, you’ll find yourself in a world with RCpp and C++ code. […] One of the things that convinced me to give Julia a try was opening the
code and seeing Julia code inside and being able to follow how data was analyzed, almost step by step, so I could check all the intermediate steps of my calculation.
alejandromerchan on discourse.julialang.org
Source: Julia Data Science
\[ g(g_m, I_0, I_k, k, w) = g_m \times \tanh\left(\frac{I_k \exp^{-wk}}{I_k}\right) \]
ω = 1
#Initial Conditions
x₀ = [0.0]
dx₀ = [π / 2]
tspan = (0.0, 2π)
ϕ = atan((dx₀[1] / ω) / x₀[1])
A = √(x₀[1]^2 + dx₀[1]^2)
#Define the problem
function harmonicoscillator(ddu, du, u, ω, t)
ddu .= -ω^2 * u
Source: DifferentialEquations.jl
Julia projects are defined using the Project.toml
file and optionally Manifest.toml
If the project contains a manifest, this will install the packages in the same state that is given by that manifest. Otherwise, it will resolve the latest versions of the dependencies compatible with the project.
Substantial backwards compatibility: no need for a completely new install of dependencies for each project.
The same function performs different things depending on the type of the argument.
For example, the gamma function reduces to the factorial function:
\[ \Gamma(n) = (n - 1)! \]
and go!)