Welcome to the Programming Cafe!

Welcome to the Programming Cafe!

Walk-in 15:00
Packaging Presentation 15:15
Live Demo 15:30
Tutorials or work on your own project ~16:00
Wrap up 16:45

Programming Cafe

  • R-Cafe
  • Presentation, demo, exercises
  • Community event
  • Local event
  • Researchers, students, support staff
  • It is OK to work on your own code

Programming Cafe

  • Organized by RDM support (uu.nl/rdm)
  • Ideas for topics? Let us know!
  • Wanted: Core team members
  • Feedback welcome!

Use the link below or talk to us


Learn Programming at UU

  • 1 day beginner courses R and Python (RDM support)
  • Best practices for Reproducible Coding (RDM support)
  • Advanced courses at eScienceCenter
  • Programming Cafe & Walk-in hours (RDM support)
  • UU/UMCU Programming community on Teams


Packaging in R

  • There seems to be one way to do it
  • Interactively with RStudio
  • R packages for help

Packaging in R

  • devtools
  • usethis
  • testthat
  • roxygen2

Levels of maturity

  • Local package
  • GitHub package
  • CRAN package
