Will this repository still be here in five years?
Zenodo has a sandbox environment!
Not the main data repository, but still functional.
You will get an actual DOI, and your project will (probably?) not be deleted!
Only do this following exercise if you are OK with your code staying online!
You will not be able to do this with a private repository.
Zenodo and Github have a pipeline that makes your life easier! (Check the full how-to on GitHub.)
Click on your enabled repository. This will take you to a page with a green GitHub button. With this button you can create a realease for your publication.
… and follow the workflow!
(Unsure about version number? Wait a slide! :-)
A version has three numbers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
(If your bug fix changes compatibility, it is therefore a MAJOR version change!)
You can release today with v0.1.0
Your code is now uploading to Zenodo: you can check it under the ‘upload’ tab:
Do you know your DOI?
As a final touch (only with real Zenodo!): you can take your DOI and place it as a badge at the top of your README.
This is not recommended with a Sandbox DOI, because sandbox projects are not permanent. The Sandbox DOI will not work like a normal one does!
Let’s exchange projects!
Please go to the second tab in the status chart tinyurl.com/repcochart, and fill out:
in the yellow columns.
NB this information will be deleted right after the course
Now, write your name in one of the blue columns behind a project you will reproduce.
We hope that everyone’s repository will get a reproduction-attempt, so only add your name to the second column if there are no repos left (for you)!
As you reproduce, please give your colleague feedback!
Open an issue in your colleague’s GitHub repository and copy/paste this feedback template
Workshop Computational Reproducibility