5 Quarto settings
The settings of the Quarto book are compiled in a _quarto.yml
file. This file needs to be formatted very specifically; yaml files are very sensitive to incorrect indentation!1 Below is a template that you can use to get started with your Quarto book.
This _quarto.yml
file is far from complete: the Quarto website has a full overview of book options for the _quarto.yml, information about the book structure and fields for customizing book output.
type: book
output-dir: ../docs # When rendering, the html files will be
# placed in the docs folder. The folder needs
# to be named docs in order for GitHub pages to work!
book: # Some general information about your book
title: Your book title
authors: # Book authors: add a new row for each new author
date: YYYY-MM-DD # Date of the book, you can also use
# last-modified, or today (without quotes)
favicon: img/favicon.ico # Path or URL to the favicon of your book
logo: "path/to/logo.png" # Path or URL to the logo that will appear on the left upper side of the book
repo-url: https://github.com/your-organization/your-repository/
repo-actions: [edit, issue]
back-to-top-navigation: true
center: "This text will appear in the footer of your book"
chapters: # Table of contents
- index.qmd # This is your landing page / homepage
- YOUR-CHAPTER-1.qmd # Make sure each chapter has its own .qmd file
- part: NAME-PART # Use 'part:' if you want to add subchapters
- chapter2/part-2a.qmd # Your qmd files can also be located in subfolders
- chapter2/part-2b.qmd # Provide the relative path to the chapter from the _quarto.yml location
- part: YOUR-CHAPTER-3.qmd # A part can also be an actual page instead of just a title
- chapter3/part-3a.qmd
- a-last-chapter.qmd
#- etc.
bibliography: references.bib # If you use a reference manager, you can export
# a .bib file and include automatically formatted
# references. Include the path to the .bib file here.
bibliostyle: apalike # Citation style of bibliography
nocite: | # This means: even if you don't actively use all
@* # references in your book text, all entries in the
# .bib file will be included in the bibliography.
theme: cosmo # The default Bootswatch theme to use for HTML output, see https://quarto.org/docs/output-formats/html-themes.html
css: assets/styles.css # Path to custom CSS on top of the Bootswatch theme
link-external-icon: true # If your link is an external link to outside the book, an "external link" icon will appear automatically
link-external-newwindow: true # Open external links in a new window
comments: # Include utterances, see chapter on Interactivity
repo: your-gh-organization/your-gh-repository
- text: "Text for other link"
icon: info
href: https://yourlink.org/
target: "_blank"
pdf: # Styling of pdf output
documentclass: scrreport
epub: # Styling of epub output
cover-image: cover.png
callout-appearance: simple # How do callouts appear by default?
Search online for “yaml validator” to check where your
is invalid if Quarto gives you an error in this file.↩︎