- Introducing R, RStudio, and Quarto
- Our very first Quarto book
- The git workflow
- Host book on GitHub pages
- Interactivity options (demo)
- Publishing and archiving
Programming language
Pretty interface to interact with R (and git, and Quarto)
“An open-source scientific and technical publishing system”
Documents with text and code (R, Python, bash, etc.).
Turn text documents (.qmd
) into html, pdf, epub, docx and more. Code is automatically executed.
Today: 💻 html (documents that can be hosted on the web)
Many output types: book, slides, blog, article, website, etc.
Today: 📖 book
Follow the steps here:
: settingsindex.qmd
: title page/homepage[chapters].qmd
: other book chaptersreferences.bib
: references to be used in the bookcover.png
: book cover imageIn your chapters, you write in Markdown
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. - Markdown Guide
Embed an image:
See also Quarto documentation for videos
Embed a video in Quarto:
:Do this once (together):
In RStudio Terminal, type git init
Commit all changes:
Now practice (by yourself):
Go to and log into your account
Create a new GitHub repository
Connect your local git repository to the GitHub repository
In RStudio, push all changes to GitHub:
Refresh GitHub page: your files are now here!
In the GitHub repository, go to:
Now, every time you push to GitHub, your edits will come on the website!
“What has been edited and staged?”
Possibilities discovered so far:
R package{glossary}
R packageAdd in the GitHub repository:
If you add these directly in GitHub, also Pull your changes to your local folder!
Steps are outlined here with screenshots
Open textbooks for EduSupport @ UU