
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Playbook iRODS Sync

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This component will sync one or more collections (directories) from an iRODS (or Yoda) server to the workspace when the workspace is created.

Under the hood this component uses the Ansible module for iBridges, an iRODS client library written in Python. The main advantages of this is security: the password you pass to the component is never stored on disk, as it directly calls the iBridges Python API.

The protocol used is the iRODS data transfer protocol, which is fast and suitable for transfer of large files. Keep in mind that copying (very) large datasets will impact workspace creation time.

You can configure a target directory on the workspace under which each requested collection will created (see below).

The component will sync and not simply download files, meaning that iBridges will perform a comparison of the target folder and the iRODS path: only changed files on iRODS will be downloaded.

File ownership

If the target directory is under a user’s homedirectory (for instance, /home/testuser or /home/testuser/synced_from_yoda), file ownership of the downloaded collections will automatically be set to that user (e.g. testuser). If the target directory is not in a home directory, the files will by default be owned by root. You can always override this using the ibridges_user and ibridges_group variables.


This component requires a CO secret (default name: irods_password) to be defined containing the password used for the connection. The username should be part of the ibridges_env parameter, which should contain a JSON object defining connection details (see below).

Security Note: after you add the CO secret containing the iRODS password, it then cannot be read by users in the portal. However, users in the same CO can still create a component and catalog item that references the CO secret, and in that way gain access to it. The component should therefore only be used in controlled environments.



The source for this component is currently in a different repository:

This is because the component uses a custom Ansible module that we want to distribute independently of the component. In the near future, we’ll make the module available on Ansible Galaxy, so that the component playbook can be moved to our default repository.


The playbook:


Below is an example of a valid JSON value for the ibridges_env parameter (see here for a list of environments for Utrecht University Yoda servers):

"irods_host": "", 
"irods_port": 1247,  
"irods_home": "/nluu5p/home",  
"irods_user_name": "",  
"irods_zone_name": "nluu5p",  
"irods_authentication_scheme": "pam",  
"irods_encryption_algorithm": "AES-256-CBC",  
"irods_encryption_key_size": 32,  
"irods_encryption_num_hash_rounds": 16,  
"irods_encryption_salt_size": 8,  
"irods_client_server_policy": "CS_NEG_REQUIRE",
"irods_client_server_negotiation": "request_server_negotiation"


2024 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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