
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Developer documentation

This is the developer documentation for this repository. See primer SURF ResearchCloud for end-user documentation).

Below is a section for playbooks and a section for roles (reusable items that can be included in a playbook). The playbook and roles can be used stand-alone (run them locally on the target host), but are designed with the goal of deploying them in the deployment of a ResearchCloud workspace.

Contributed playbooks and roles should meet criteria specified in our item quality checklist.

A note on Windows

This documentation concern ResearchCloud components for Unix/Linux workspaces, which are based on Ansible. There is a separate repository for Windows components (using PowerShell).

Installing as a collection

The roles and playbooks in this repository can also be installed as an Ansible collection. The collection is named uusrc.general. After installation, this means you can use the roles from this repository, for example as follows:

    - role: uusrc.general.fact_regular_users

To install the collection you have two options:

  - name:
    type: git


The status of a playbook is either Experimental or Supported. Supported playbooks are subjected to automated testing and must be fully documented.

For public items in the SURF Research Cloud catalog, this status should be indicated in the description field of the catalog plugin item.




The status of a role is either Experimental or Supported. Supported roles are subjected to automated testing and must be fully documented.

