
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Playbook reverse_proxy

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This component can be added to any configuration that contains a webapp that listens on localhost, and make that webapp approachable from the internet at the workspace’s FQDN, optionally including SRAM authentication.

It builds on top a standard SRC nginx environment to define reverse proxies, allowing one to:

When developing your own component for a webapp, it may be better to utilize the reverse proxy role in your own component directly, rather than adding this component to a separate component for your webapp in an SRC Catalog Item. However, this component may be useful when wanting to add reverse proxy capabilities to components that you don’t control or can’t customize further (such as docker or docker-compose components on SRC).



This component allows you to configure a list of locations which will be turned into reverse proxies. You can configure the proxy proxy_pass, timeouts and limits, and authentication options, including SRAM authentication and HTTP basic auth.

When using HTTP basic auth, you must set the htpasswd attribute to refer to a file existing under the location /etc/nginx/passwd/. You can either:

  1. Create this file yourself (e.g. in a different component).
  2. Let this component create it for you. In that case, you must set the relevant information in a CO secret. See the reverse_proxy_auth_info variable below.


reverse_proxy_locations: Required. String. A list of YAML dict objects defining reverse proxy locations. Example:

- {name: test_noauth, location: /, proxy_pass: "http://localhost:8000"} # no authentication for /
- {name: test_basicauth, location: = /test_basicauth, auth: basic, htpasswd: myfile1, proxy_pass: "http://localhost:8000/" } # http basic auth using the file myfile1 (see below)
- {name: test_sramauth, location: /test_sramauth, auth: sram, proxy_pass: "http://localhost:8000/"} # sram auth for /test_sramauth
- {name: test_authoff, location: = /test_basicauth/api, auth: noauth, proxy_pass: "http://localhost:8000/bin/"} # turn off sram auth for sublocation /test_sramauth/api

You can add keys to these dicts corresponding to nginx configuration detectives. E.g. alias: /bla will add an alias /bla; directive to the configuraiton. See the relevant role for more documentation of options and defaults.

reverse_proxy_auth_info: Optional. String. A list of YAML objects defining authentication information that will be turned into valid htpasswd files. The name of the htpasswd file should correspond to the one set in the reverse_proxy_locations variable. Example:

- {name: myfile1, username: test, password: letmein}
- {name: myfile1, username: test2, password: letmein} # second user for myfile1
- {name: myfile2, username: test3, password: letmein} # a second file myfile2

*This parameter should be set as a CO secret. By default, the secret that will be looked up is called reverse_proxy_auth_info, but you may change this in your Catalog Item.

If you want to use a single username/password for a reverse proxy location, you can leave the reverse_proxy_auth_info parameter empty, and instead use the default credentials, as described below.

If one of the htpasswd files defined in reverse_proxy_locations is not found in reverse_proxy_auth_info, that htpasswd file will be created using the following default credentials, which can be overriden:

See also

Role nginx_reverse_proxy


2024 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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