
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Playbook shared_directories

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Enables a number of measures to ensure the workspace receives security updates.


Ubuntu operating system.


This component concerns Ubuntu’s so-called unattended upgrades feature. This feature installs only updates from Ubuntu’s default security channel, which are therefore deemed critical and stable by Canonical. Without this component, an SRC workspace will not install security updates automatically.

Note that updates that need a reboot to become active will not trigger an automatic reboot (this is up to the user). However, it is still possible that when e.g. a webserver is updated through unattended upgrades, this results in downtime. Disabling periodic unattended upgrades is thus configurable by the user. The user should decide whether the risk of service disruption outweighs the risks of an unupdated workspace.

This component provides the following features:

  1. Install the latest security updates at when the component is executed.
  2. Start checking for and auto-installing new security updates after a certain time.

Which of the following features are enabled can be configured using variables.


See the corresponding role for documentation.

See also

Role security_updates


2023 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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