
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Role default_group

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Creates a default group for all users of a workspace. Creates the group, add all regular users to it, and ensures that new users are also added to it.


Debian/Ubuntu operating system.


  1. Adds the group with the desired name and gid.
  2. Modifies /etc/security/group.conf so that the group is added by PAM whenever a user logs in.
  3. Takes all existing regular users and adds them to group.
  4. Adds the group to the EXTRA_GROUPS instruction in /etc/adduser.conf so that new users created with /sbin/adduser (a Debian/Ubuntu tool, not to be confused with useradd) are automatically added to the new group.
    • also ensures that existing groups in EXTRA_GROUPS are kept. On SRC workspaces, this includes the davfs2 group by default.


See also


2023 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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