
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Role myrods_sync

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Installs desktop application to support data synchronization between a collection located on an iRODS server and a workspace folder.


Ubuntu desktop environment, iRODS icommands


The myrods_sync function is a user-friendly version of the irsync command found in the iRODS icommands set. The user can select a folder in the workspace and a collection in the connected iRODS zone plus either a retrieve or save action. The actual synchronization will be performed through an irsync function of which the output is presented in a window.

myrods_sync will reuse an already initialized iRODS environment (configured connection) and alternatively create one.


myrodssync_git: ""
myrodssync_dir: "/usr/local/lib/myrods_sync"

See also



2021 Written by Ton Smeele (Utrecht University)
2022 Renamed from guisync to myrods_sync, added iRODS environment initialization

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