
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Role pipx_install_systemwide

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Installs python-based applications to a common location that can be used by all users on a machine, using pipx. An ordinary pip install as user root is not recommended, as it may interfere with pip packages installed by the system package manager (e.g. apt). So instead, use this role to install applications to /usr/local/uu-pip (by default).

Note: pipx should only be used to install (GUI or command line) applications, not libraries!



This role:


Note that if you first use this role to install something to /usr/local/uu-pip, and then again to install something else to /var/pip, this would cause the default pipx_install_systemwide_location (/etc/profile.d/ to be overwritten, so that only /var/pip will be on the path. To remedy this, be sure to specify a custom pipx_install_systemwide_profile when you use a pipx_install_systemwide_location other than the default.

See also


2024 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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