
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Role pyenv

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Pyenv is a Python version management tool, which lets you change the global Python version, install multiple versions and create directory specific versions (Python environments).



This role will install pyenv for each user individually. For both yum and apt based package managers, all dependencies (primarily needed for compiling python versions) are first downloaded. The installation is then done through the pyenv installer script which is run once when the user logs in.

The role supports installing the latest version of python available in the OS’s package manager and registering that python version with pyenv. This is useful because OS distributions generally ship with older python versions by default, and when installing an addtional specific python version (e.g. apt install python3.12 ), pyenv will not know about it by default. See the special system-latest value for the default_python_version variable below. Note: this is only supported on Ubuntu at the moment.


See also


2022-2024 Written by Sytse Groenwold and Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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