
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Role robotuser

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Adds a robot user along with a private ssh key.




Add a robot user to the system. This user can be used e.g. in sudo actions for accessing other nodes, provided that such node has authorized the robot’s public key.

To facilitate connections over ssh protocol, a file connection-info.yml with information for mount purposes is placed in the home directory of the robotuser and the server node is added to the known hosts.

This role requires the plugin/playbook to provide some Ansible variables as parameter: robotuser_key (private ssh key), robotuser_server (ip address), robotuser_sourcepath (server directory as data source for mounts).

Configuration instructions

First, deploy a robot server and prepare the plugins:

Now we are ready to create workspaces that will connect to the robot server using sshfs mounts authenticating as the robot user:

    - sshfs_configrobot
    - sshfs_mount
    - ....  (add application-specific roles here, can access the shared data)
    - sshfs_cleanup

The first role fetches information on the server/connection as has been prepared by the robot-client plugin in an earlier stage of the deployment process. The second role performs a fuse mount of the remote directory via sshfs, while the last role unmounts the filesystem (which disconnects from the robot server).

For an actual example robotuser use case, please see the matlab playbook in this repository and the related plugins on SURF Research Cloud.


robotuser_name: "uurobot"
robotuser_key: "** generated by Ansible script. Please make sure your playbook specifies a private key as the value for the variable 'robotuser_key' **"
robotuser_generate_ssh_key: "no"
robotuser_server:  # no default value! 
robotuser_sourcepath:  # no default value!

When the variable robotuser_generate_ssh_key is set to “yes” then a public/private key pair is generated for this user. The use case for this setting is creation of the robotuser at a server instead of a client.

See also


2021 Written by Ton Smeele (Utrecht University)

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