
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Role transferuser

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Allows users to transfer data between a remote host and the workspace using a keypair created specifically for the transfer (hence not the keypair used for regular logon).



Supports data transfers originating from remote hosts where a user does not want to install her private ssh key. Adds a user account transfer to the workspace. Existing workspace users (sudo rights needed) may use the command transfer on to be prompted for a transfer key (a public key). This transfer key is then installed as “authorized_key” for the transfer account.

To create the transfer key: generate a new keypair on a remote host using the ssh-keygen command. This installs the private key in ~/.ssh. Use the related public key ~/.ssh/ as the transfer key (copy/paste as input for the transfer command on the workspace).

After this preparation, the user on the remote host can transfer files using scp to the transfer user account on the workspace. When all file transfers are done, users should execute command transfer off to disable further use of the keypair based access.


See also



2023 Written by Ton Smeele (Utrecht University)

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