Data Pipelining
A data pipeline is a series of (automated) actions that ingests raw data from various sources and moves the data to a destination for storage and (eventual) analysis.
Benefits of a data pipeline include:
- Time saved by automating the boring stuff!
- Reduced mistakes.
- Tasks broken down into smaller steps.
- Reproducibility!
When do I need a data pipeline?
Here’s a rule of thumb, just as an example:
If you have a task that needs to occur >= 3 times, you could think about automating it.
If automation is not possible, think about how you can make the task as efficient as possible.
How can I implement a data pipeline? Some examples for inspiration
If you data collection tools have APIs, they can be leveraged to extract data.
For example, Qualtrics has the qualtRics R package & pyQualtrics Python library which contain functions to automate exporting surveys.
If APIs are not available, you could use R/Python to automate the use of an internet browser using the RSelenium package / Selenium library. Imagine automating the clicks and typing of going to a specific website, logging in, clicking the download button.
You can use Windows Task Scheduler / cron / the taskscheduleR R package / cronR to schedule your scripts to run automatically, on a recurring basis as well (if needed).
You can also send emails with R & Python! Consider if you’ve ever had to contact participants because you noticed something wrong with their incoming data. You could implement these data checks with a script and automatically draft and send emails (from a template) to those participants who were flagged as having issues with their data.
QualtRics R package
qualtrics_api_credentials(api_key = "YOUR-QUALTRICS-API-KEY",
overwrite = TRUE,
install = TRUE)
surveys <- all_surveys()
survey_results <- fetch_survey(surveyID = surveys$id[2], # you can also replace surveys$id[2] with "<SUVREY-ID>"
verbose = TRUE)
write_csv(survey_results, paste0("path/to/folder/", format(Sys.time(), "%d-%m-%Y-%H.%M"), "_survey_results.csv"))
taskscheduleR package
scheduled_script <- "path/to/folder/myscript.R"
## run script once within 120 seconds
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "extract-data-once", rscript = scheduled_script,
schedule = "ONCE", starttime = format(Sys.time() + 120, "%H:%M"))
## Run every 5 minutes, starting from 10:40
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "extract-data-5min", rscript = scheduled_script,
schedule = "MINUTE", starttime = "10:40", modifier = 5)
## delete tasks