
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

View the Project on GitHub UtrechtUniversity/researchcloud-items

Playbook python_workbench

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Installs a Python development environment equiped with pyenv to allow the user to select an arbitrary Python version and poetry to facilitate Python module dependency management. miniconda to facilitate general dependency management.


Ubuntu .


The Linux distribution influences which Python3 and pip3 versions are installed system-wide. Users should not install python packages using the system python interpreter, since this may break system packages. This component therefore installs pyenv and via the runonce role, so that each user on the system can manage their own Python environment. pyenv and poetry are installed (in userspace) the first time the user logs in.

For additional development convenience, poetry and miniconda are also intalled on a per-user basis. If users want to use miniconda, they have to manually run conda init in their shell (this is not done by default, because it may interfere with users’ workflows if they do not want to use conda).


See also


2021-2024 Written by Ton Smeele and Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)

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