
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Playbook transferuser

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Allows users to transfer data between a remote host and the workspace using SSH (secure shell). This component sets up a special user with its own SSH keys to facilitate the transfer. This is useful in cases where the user does not need or seeks to avoid to store her own private key on the remote host.

Suitability: sensitive data.



scp myfile.txt transfer@<workspace_ip>:~/mycopiedfile.txt
# transfers the file `myfile.txt` on the machine where `scp` is executed to `/home/transfer/mycopiedfile.txt` on the workspace where the `transfer on` command was run.


It is possible to customize/override the name of the Linux user “transfer” and the commandline script “transfer”. See the transferuser role for details.

See also

Role transferuser


2023 Written by Ton Smeele (Utrecht University)

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