
Installation scripts for SURF ResearchCloud catalog components

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Role sshfs_configrobot

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Registers Ansible variables in preparation of mounting a remote filesystem over ssh protocol where the client authenticates as robotuser.


Role robotuser has been executed prior to invocation of this role.


An sshfs_mount requires scripts to specify parameters for connecting the client to a server, such as username, server address, and directory used as data source.

When a robotuser account is used for authentication with the server, we may opt to use default connection parameters already known by the robotuser.

This role can be used to load the default connection parameters held by the robotuser, prior to requesting a remote filesystem mount. This circumvents the need to supply mount parameters explicitly in a plugin or playbook. The variable that will be set is a dictionary with the following keys:

  username: <robotusername>
  server: <robotserver>
  port: "22"
  sourcepath: <what path to mount on the robotserver>
  mountpoint: <where to mount the robotserver>


robotuser_name: "uurobot"

See also


2021 Written by Ton Smeele (Utrecht University)

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