Custom Workshops
We currently have a small paragraph for custom workshops at:
TODO: a separate landing page for the custom workshops with a gallery/portfolio (links to Zenodo or GitHub) showing examples of custom workshops we have done?
Requests for custom workshops should be directed to the workshop coordinator via TopDesk.
The workshop coordinator will bring the request to the team and we will decide if we can do it and who will do it.
If the workshop can be carried out, the workshop coordinator will link the contactperson with the colleagues who are picking it up. They will also check with the contactperson about how they found out about us and our offering.
If possible, the post-workshop survey should be distributed to the attendees.
After the workshop, the colleagues will report back to the workshop coordinator with the number of attendees.
The colleagues will FAIRify the workshop materials on Zenodo and provide the link to the workshop coordinator.
The workshop coordinator will update an Excel sheet with the following information:
- The name of the workshop
- The contactperson (name, email, faculty, position)
- How the contactperson found out about us and our offering
- The names of colleagues who gave the workshop
- The number of attendees
- The link to the FAIRified workshop materials