
Catalog Item

A catalog item is a workspace configuration that you can select from the catalog when you create a new workspace. A workspace can be configured with a certain Operating system and other applications or software that will installed on the workspace.


A Collaboration (also known as Collaborative Organisation, or CO) is an ad-hoc group of people who are allowed to work together by sharing resources. As a scientist you can easily make a CO. That way, you can invite other researchers to join your efforts in Research Cloud, and you can easily assign different roles to collaborators (such as the ‘admin’ role for administering the CO). More information.


Data Processing Agreement A legally binding document to be agreed upon between the data controller and the data processor in writing or in electronic form. It regulates the particularities of data processing – such as its scope and purpose – as well as the relationship between the controller and the processor.

Small Compute application

A relatively simple request procedure for obtaining a maximum of 50.000 CPU hours and/or 5.000 GPU hours for your project. More info


SRAM (SURF Research Access Management) is a service to manage access to research resources, intended for Dutch led research collaborations. More information.

Storage volumes

An ‘External’ Storage volume can be created from the main dashboard in the research cloud portal. This storage is persistent which means that any data that you put here will still be there when a workspace is deleted. You need to create a storage volume first and attach it when you create a new workspace. The storage volume can than typically be found in the workspace under the following directory path: ~/data/volume_2. More info


Virtual Research Environment is the CO including the entire linked research services, linked other systems, applied software and used data.

VRE support

The support at UU level for this service is done by Research Data Management Services. The team consists of service administrators for arranging access and accounts and research engineers who can advice on usage and can help develop proof of concepts.


A wallet holds the budget for your use of the Research Cloud. See the getting started page for the options to obtain a wallet for Research cloud. When you create a workspace you need to select a wallet that can be charged for the use of the resources.


A workspace is a running Virtual Machine (or aka server) that you can use as a Virtual Research Environment. You can create a workspace in the Research Cloud portal. The workspace will be created somewhere in ‘the cloud’, and when it is up and running you can login to it, transfer data to it and start working. The workspace typically will have some software installed on it (e.g. RStudio or Jupyter Notebook).