Terms of Use

The Virtual Research Environment (VRE) service of Utrecht University is based on SURF services. The following policies and conditions of use of the UU are applicable for use of this service:

In addition to the UU terms of use, the following Acceptable Use policies at SURF are applicable:

The VRE Privacy Policy is also applicable.

By accepting this invitation, users agree to adhere to the terms and conditions in the documents listed above.

For more information about the responsible use of the VRE service, see practical tips for responsible use.

During the intake meeting an end date for your VRE’s project account (called a Collaboration or “CO”) will be agreed, after which you will loose access to it. You will be notified 10 days prior to the agreed end date, and you can always request that the lifetime of the CO be extended by contacting us.

Last update: May 29, 2024.