Transferring data from your PC to your workspace using SCP and RSYNC

The instructions on this page assume you have already setup SSH for Research cloud. If this is not the case, check the Research Cloud documentation site.


When you work on a Windows machine and you use MobaXterm for SSH connection, you can use the file browser in MobaXterm to intuitively transfer data.

In all other cases: Open a terminal (or shell session) that you use for login in to your workspace via the ssh command.

scp sourcefile <username>@<ip-address>:destinationdir

You can find both the username and the ip-address in the research cloud portal. Find your username under the ‘Profile’ tab.
Find the IP address of your workspace in the main Dashboard by clicking the drop down arrow of the running Workspace.

scp testfile.txt <username>@<ip-address>:data/volume_2/input_data

If you first need to create a destination folder where you want to transfer the data to:

ssh <username>@<ip-address>
mkdir ~/data/volume_2/input_data
scp testfile.txt <username>@<ip-address>:data/volume_2/input_data

To transfer a directory add the -r option:

scp -r sourcedir <username>@<ip-address>:data/volume_2/input_data


Rsync is a tool for synchronizing two folders. This method can also be used to transfer the contents of a folder to a remote folder. You typically run this tool on your own PC in the terminal (so e.g.before login in using the ssh command, or in a separate terminal (or shell session)).

Type rsync --help on to see if it is installed on your system. To install:


On Debian based linux (e.g. Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install rsync

On mac:

brew install rsync


rsync -azP ./my_local_folder <username>@<ip-address>:~/data/volume_2/input_data

Where -azP are options. Type rsync --help to see a list of the options.