Jupyter Notebooks


This catalog item starts a JupyterLab environment in which you can work with Jupyter notebooks.

Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

All users in your Collaborative Organisation can login to the workspace and will then be presented with their own notebook environment.

If needed, we can help you to automatically install certain packages when the workspace is created, so that these are available from inside the Jupyter environment immediately. Please contact us for this. However, you can of course also install your own dependencies from with the Notebook.


Create a storage volume

If desired, first create a storage volume before creating the workspace.

See the Getting started page for more info about how and why to create a storage volume.

Create a workspace

In the Research Cloud portal click the ‘Create a new workspace’ button and follow the steps in the wizzard.

See the workspace creation manual page for more guidance.


You can login to the workspace in your browser, via your ResearchCloud time-based password.


When logged in you are immediately presented with a JupyterLab environment in which you can work with different notebooks.

Data transfer options

See our data transfer manuals.

You will have to run the relevant commands for the data transfer method of your choice from within the JupyterLab terminal.

Installing additional software

The user has admin rights to install additional software on the system from the Jupyter terminal (use sudo <command>).


Workspace security

Please take a moment to read the security recommendations for VREs.