Miniconda (shared)


This workspace types comes with the miniconda package manger preinstalled. All users on the system will share the same conda environment. Warning: although this can be convenient for some usecases, this can lead to unwanted conflicts/interference. In most cases, it is recommended to use separate conda environments for each user. You can use the Python Workbench Catalog Item for this.

There are various flavours of this Catalog Item:

Simply choose the one that is most convenient to you.

If needed, we can help you to automatically install certain packages when the workspace is created. Please contact us for this.


Create a storage volume

If desired, first create a storage volume before creating the workspace.

See the Getting started page for more info about how and why to create a storage volume.

Create a workspace

In the Research Cloud portal click the ‘Create a new workspace’ button and follow the steps in the wizzard.

See the workspace creation manual page for more guidance.


When you login, miniconda will be ready for use. See the miniconda docs.

miniconda will be installed to /opt/miniconda.

Data transfer options

See our data transfer manuals.

The recommended iBridges client for Yoda and iRODS is preinstalled.

Installing additional software

The user has admin rights to install additional software on the system (on a terminal, use sudo <yourcommand>).


Workspace security

Please take a moment to read the security recommendations for VREs.