Seeking help at Utrecht University
Date of last review: 2023-05-22
If you work at Utrecht University, there are several ways to look for further support.
Research Data Management Support currently offers an online module Privacy basics for researchers. It is also possible to request a tailored workshop from us.
Additionally, your own faculty or department may offer workshops surrounding privacy, ethics and/or research integrity (see websites below).
Online information
Besides this Handbook, you can find more information on the following websites:
- RDM Support website
- Intranet pages on privacy, research and information security
- Faculty-specific web pages:
- Geosciences: RDM and privacy, ethics
- Science: RDM and privacy, ethics
- Social and Behavioural Sciences: tech support, ethics
- Humanities: RDM and privacy, ethics
- Law, Economics and Governance: RDM and privacy, ethics
- Veterinary medicine: Research Support Office
- Medicine: ethics, data management-related information can be found on UMCU Connect.
In-person support
The first point of contact about privacy is the privacy officer of your faculty.
Besides the privacy officer, you can also ask for help from:
- Your local data steward/data manager (see websites above) or Research Data Management Support.
- Information security.
- In some faculties, the Research Support Office may be of help in drafting agreements.
- If you suspect a data leak or data breach, contact the Service Desk immediately.