Configuring Yoda

Instructions on how to configure a (new) Yoda instance.

1. Create new environment

This first step is optional. You can configure a (new) Yoda instance in an existing environment or create a new environment. A development environment is available with two example instances.

To create a new environment make a new directory under environments. For example a production environment:

mkdir environments/production

We call our new instance ‘yoda’, so create a new instance directory:

mkdir environments/production/yoda

In this new instance directory two directories are needed, on for the Yoda instance variables (group_vars) and one for host specific variables (host_vars).

mkdir environments/production/yoda/group_vars
mkdir environments/production/yoda/host_vars

2. Add hosts of new Yoda instance

Hosts of a Yoda instance are defined in the Ansible inventory file ‘hosts’. For the development instance ‘full’ this inventory can be found in environments/development/full/hosts. In the inventory the hosts of an instance are defined, their functional roles and to which groups they belong.

Example configuration defining the and functional roles of an instance called ‘yoda’:



# leave this out when using an existing database for ICAT





Add the new functional roles of the instance to the corresponding groups. For example:


# leave this out when using an existing database for ICAT





It is possible to deploy davrods to a separate host by adding a davrods host and group:




Last step to add the hosts of a new Yoda instance is to create configuration files for every new host. In development environment these configuration files are placed in environments/development/hosts. For example, for host ‘host1.yoda.test’ a configuration file is created:

touch environments/development/host_vars/host1.yoda.test

And place the basic host configuration in the new file:

ansible_host: host1.yoda.test

3. Configure (new) Yoda instance

To configure a (new) Yoda instance we have to edit the instance configuration in the Yoda instance variables directory (group_vars). In case of a new Yoda instance we can copy a configuration of a full development (environments/development/full/) instance as base. The configuration is split in several parts. Below an overview of these parts and the configuration options available.

Ansible configuration

Variable Description
ansible_user Administrative user on instance for Ansible
ansible_ssh_private_key_file Path to private key file of administrative user
repo_only Only download packages from repos
centos_extras_repository Name of the CentOS extras repository
centos_sclo_rh_repository Name of the CentOS SCLO-RH repository
common_custom_dns_enable Set custom DNS servers (default: false, only supported only on Ubuntu)
common_custom_dns_primary Primary custom DNS server (default: Google DNS servers, only supported on Ubuntu)
common_custom_dns_secondary Secondary custom DNS server (default: Google DNS servers, only supported on Ubuntu)

Note: if one of these variables are different for a host then define them in the corresponding host specific variables file (host_vars).

Yoda configuration

Variable Description
instance Name of Yoda instance, as defined in hosts file
yoda_version Yoda version. Use a git branch (e.g. release-1.8) or a tag (e.g. v1.8.5)
yoda_ruleset_version Version of the main Yoda ruleset to use. Defaults to the value of yoda_version.
yoda_portal_version Version of the Yoda portal to use. Defaults to the value of yoda_version.
yoda_environment Yoda environment: development, testing, acceptance or production
yoda_portal_fqdn Yoda Portal fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
yoda_davrods_fqdn Yoda Davrods WebDAV fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
yoda_davrods_anonymous_fqdn Yoda Davrods anonymous WebDAV fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
yoda_davrods_logo_path Path of the DavRODS logo on the portal. Defaults to the themed logo.
yoda_davrods_logo_link URL that the DavRODS logo is linked to (default:
yoda_enable_httpd Whether to enable the httpd service (boolean, default value: true). Set to false if manual actions are needed before starting the web server (e.g. mounting encrypted volumes)
tcp_keepalive_time IPv4 TCP keepalives: time until first keepalive (kernel parameter). Can be useful to tune in order to prevent timeouts on long transfers.
tcp_keepalive_intvl IPv4 TCP keepalives: time between keepalives (kernel parameter). Can be useful to tune in order to prevent timeouts on long transfers.
yoda_theme The theme to use for the Yoda Portal. See also the theme documentation. By default, Yoda uses the UU theme.
yoda_theme_path Path where themes for the Yoda Portal are retrieved from. See the theme documentation for more information.
portal_session_cookie_samesite Samesite setting for session cookies Yoda Portal. Should be ‘Lax’ if OIDC is enabled and identity provider is in different domain. Otherwise it should be ‘Strict’. Default value: ‘Strict’.
yoda_portal_timeout The web server timeout for requests to the Yoda portal, in seconds (default: 60)
yoda_portal_wsgi_daemon_threads The number of threads to be created to handle requests in each daemon process (default: 15)
yoda_portal_upload_part_files Whether the portal uploader function should upload multi-chunk files as .part files initially and rename them to their final name later (boolean value, default: true). It is generally recommended to keep this enabled, so that users can easily see when an upload failed and the result is partial. However, on storage systems where renaming data objects takes much time, such as S3 object storage in consistent mode, it may be necessary to switch use of .part files off.
yoda_portal_monitor_signal_file Path to the signal file for the portal monitoring thread. If this file is present, the monitor thread will start logging technical support information to the directory configured in yoda_portal_monitor_output_dir. Set to empty string to disable the monitoring thread. Default value: /var/www/yoda/show-tech.sig
yoda_portal_monitor_output_dir Path for the portal monitoring thread to log technical support information to if the signal file is present. Default value: /tmp. Note that the portal uses a private /tmp directory, rather than the global one.

Generic logging configuration

Variable Description
httpd_log_forwarded_for Whether to log X-Forwarded-For headers in Apache logs (boolean, default value: false). This logs source IP addresses of requests if requests to the Yoda web portal and/or WebDAV interface are routed via a load balancer.
httpd_log_user_agent Whether to log the user agent of browsers and WebDAV clients in the Apache logs (boolean, default value: false)
httpd_log_request_duration Whether to log how much time it took to respond to web server requests (boolean, default value: false). Time is logged in both microseconds, and in seconds (rounded down).
yoda_portal_log_api_call_duration Whether to log duration and parameters of all API calls from the Yoda portal. This is mainly useful for performance testing (boolean, default value: false)

iRODS configuration

Variable Description
irods_admin iRODS admin username
irods_password iRODS admin password
irods_database_user The iRODS database username
irods_database_password The password for the iRODS database username
irods_database_enable_yoda_indexes Enable indexes to speed up Yoda search operations (default: false). This is mainly useful for medium-sized and large environments (millions of data objects or more). Please note that the indexes can take up a significant amount of diskspace (rough estimate: 10-30% increase in database size). They will be created asynchronously. This can take some time on existing environments with a significant amount of data, and temporarily decrease performance.
icat_database_encoding iRODS database encoding (default: UTF-8)
icat_database_locale iRODS database locale setting (default: en_US.UTF-8)
icat_database_lc_collate iRODS database locale LC_COLLATE setting (default: en_US.UTF-8)
icat_database_lc_ctype iRODS database locale LC_CTYPE setting (default: en_US.UTF-8)
irods_zone The name of the iRODS Zone
irods_icat_fqdn iRODS iCAT fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
irods_database_fqdn iRODS database fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
irods_resource_fqdn iRODS resource fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Don’t define this variable if you have multiple resource servers.
irods_default_resc iRODS default resource name
irods_resc_trigger_pol List of text patterns for matching non-primary resources where changes also need to trigger policies (e.g. asynchronous replication). Example: [“^testResc$”,”^myResc$”]
irods_ssl_verify_server Verify TLS certificate, use ‘cert’ for acceptance and production
irods_resources Definition of iRODS resources of this Yoda instance
irods_max_open_files Maximum number of open files for iRODS service
irods_enable_service Whether to enable the iRODS service. Set to false if manual actions are needed before starting iRODS, e.g. mounting encrypted volumes
irods_rum_job_enabled Whether to enable the daily RUM job for removing unused metadata entries (default: true)
irods_rum_job_hour Time to run RUM job - hour (default: 20)
irods_rum_job_minute Time to run RUM job - minute (default: 0)
irods_enable_gocommands Whether to install the GoCommands CLI (disabled by default)
irods_gocommands_version GoCommands version
irods_gocommands_archive_checksum MD5 checksum of the GoCommands archive for the version to be installed
irods_anonymous_account_permit_addresses List of network addresses that can log in on the anonymous account using the iRODS protocol. Localhost ( is always allowed.
irods_user_max_connections_enabled Limit the number of iRODS connections per user (default: false)
irods_user_max_connections_number Maximum number of iRODS connections per user (default: 4). This limit does not apply to the rods and anonymous user. This setting only has an effect if irods_user_max_connections_enabled is true.

S3 configuration - for iRODS S3 resource plugin and s3cmd utilities

Variable Description
enable_s3_resource Enable iRODS S3 Resource Plugin. Default: false
s3_access_key S3 access key of S3 buckets (used by s3cmd, and optionally by S3 resource plugin, if S3 resource context points to .s3auth file)
s3_secret_key S3 secret key of S3 buckets (used by s3cmd, and optionally by S3 resource plugin, if S3 resource context points to .s3auth file)
s3_hostname S3 server hostname (used by s3cmd; the hostname used by the S3 resource plugin is configured in the S3 resource contexts instead)
s3_auth_file S3 authentication file name (default value: /var/lib/irods/.s3auth)

iRODS automatic resource balancing

These parameters affect whether the Yoda ruleset configures iRODS to automatically stop creating new data objects on unixfilesystem resources that have less free storage space than a particular threshold.

Variable Description
irods_arb_enabled Enable automatic resource balancing (default: false).
irods_arb_exempt_resources Space-separated list of unixfilesystem resources that ARB should ignore (default: no resources are ignored)
irods_arb_min_gb_free Minimum absolute amount of free space on unixfilesystem resources in GB (default: 0)
irods_arb_min_percent_free Minimum relative amount of free space on unixfilesystem resources in % (default: 5)

Research module configuration

Variable Description
default_yoda_schema Default Yoda metadata scheme: default-3
yoda_random_id_length Length of random ID to add to persistent identifier
yoda_prefix Prefix for internal portion of persistent identifier
update_rulesets Update already installed rulesets with git
update_schemas Update already installed schemas, formelements and stylesheets: yes (1) or no (0)
credential_files Location of Yoda credentials files
temporary_files List of temporary files for cleanup functionality
metadata_schemas List of metadata schemas to install on the system

Replication configuration

Variable Description
enable_async_replication Enable asynchronous replication: yes (1) or no (0)
async_replication_jobs Number of asynchronous replication jobs, when decreasing the number of jobs, manually remove jobs from the crontab (default: 1)
async_replication_batch_size Asynchronous replication jobs batch size (default: 1000)
async_replication_verbose_mode Run asynchronous replication job in verbose mode (default: true)
async_replication_dry_run Run asynchronous replication job as a trial run (default: false)
async_replication_delay_time Delay after last modification to data object before replication job can process it (in seconds, default: 0)
async_replication_max_rss Limit the memory usage (in bytes) of a replication job before it stops processing. (default: 1000000000 or 1 GB)

Revision configuration

Variable Description
enable_revisions Enable asynchronous revisions: yes (1) or no (0)
revision_strategy Revision strategy: A, B or Simple (default: B)
async_revision_jobs Number of asynchronous revision jobs, when decreasing the number of jobs, manually remove jobs from the crontab (default: 1)
async_revision_batch_size Asynchronous revision jobs batch size (default: 1000)
async_revision_verbose_mode Run asynchronous revision job in verbose mode (default: true)
async_revision_dry_run Run asynchronous revision job as a trial run (default: false)
async_revision_delay_time Delay after last modification to data object before revision job can process it (in seconds, default: 0)
async_revision_max_rss Limit the memory usage (in bytes) of a revision job before it stops processing. If set to 0, there is no limit. (default: 1000000000 or 1 GB)
enable_revision_cleanup Enable revision cleanup job (true/false, default: true)
revision_cleanup_verbose_mode Print extra information in revision cleanup job for troubleshooting (true/false, default: false)

Copy to vault configuration

Variable Description
vault_copy_backoff_time How many seconds to wait before trying to copy a certain folder to vault again (default: 300 = 5 minutes)
vault_copy_max_retries How many times to retry copy to vault on particular folder before failing and sending notification (default: 5)

Deposit module configuration

Variable Description
enable_deposit Enable deposit module (default: false). If the deposit module is enabled, enable_data_package_reference should also be set to True.
enable_data_package_reference Enable data package references for vault data packages (default: false). Set to true if deposit module is enabled.

Datarequest module configuration

Variable Description
enable_datarequest Enable datarequest module
datarequest_help_contact_name Help contact name
datarequest_help_contact_email Help contact email address

OpenSearch configuration

Variable Description
enable_open_search Enable OpenSearch and indexing plugin
opensearch_server FQDN of the OpenSearch server (typically the provider)

Yoda notifications configuration

Variable Description
send_notifications Enable notifications: yes (1) or no (0)
notifications_sender_email Notifications sender email address
notifications_reply_to Notifications Reply-To email address

Yoda internal SMTP settings configuration

These settings also affect the External User Service (EUS).

Variable Description
smtp_server SMTP server to send mail to (smtp:// or smtps://, e.g. smtp://localhost:25)
smtp_username SMTP server username
smtp_password SMTP server password
smtp_auth Whether to use SMTP authentication (true/false, default: true)
smtp_starttls Whether to force StartTLS on non-SMTP connections (true/false, default: true)

PostgreSQL database configuration

Variable Description
pgsql_version PostgreSQL version (default: 11)
postgresql_max_connections Maximum number of database connections (default: 100)
postgresql_shared_buffers Amount of memory database should use for shared buffers. Rule of thumb: set to 25% of memory on dedicated database server; on a shared server, it should probably be lower. Default value: 32 MB.
postgresql_work_mem Maximum amount of worker memory. Rule of thumb: increasing worker memory can help with improving performance, but it is necessary to ensure that sufficient memory is available, considering the maximum number of database connections. Default value: 1 MB.
postgresql_maintenance_work_mem Maximum amount of memory for maintenance processes, such as VACUUM. Default value: 16 MB.
postgresql_effective_cache_size Tells the query planner how much memory it can expect to be available for disk caching for the database. Rule of thumb: set to approximately 50-75% on dedicated database server. Default value: 128 MB.
postgresql_random_page_cost Tells the query planner about the relative cost of random access versus sequential access. You could use a tool like fio to get an estimate, or use a ballpark estimate based on the type of storage of the database volume (e.g. 1.0 for SSD-based storage). Default value is 4.0.
postgresql_log_line_prefix Format of log message prefix in the PostgreSQL log, for adding timestamps etc. to log messages. The default value adds a timestamp and process number, which is sufficient for most purposes. It might be useful to log additional information in specific situations, such as when troubleshooting database issues.
postgresql_log_min_duration_statement Minimum number of milliseconds for slow query logging (default: -1 / disabled)
postgresql_log_autovacuum_min_duration Minimum number of milliseconds for logging slow autovacuum actions (default: -1 / disabled)
postgresql_timezone Timezone that PostgreSQL uses. Defaults to Europe/Amsterdam.

PgBouncer configuration

Variable Description
enable_pgbouncer Whether to enable PgBouncer (default: false)
pgbouncer_pool_mode Specifies when a server connection can be reused by other clients (default: session)
pgbouncer_max_client_conn Maximum number of client connections allowed (default: 200)
pgbouncer_default_pool_size How many server connections to allow per user/database pair (default: 50)
pgbouncer_reserve_pool_size How many additional connections to allow to a pool (default: 25)
pgbouncer_reserve_pool_timeout If a client has not been serviced in this time, use additional connections from the reserve pool (default: 2)
pgbouncer_override_ignore_startup_parameters Adjust ignore_startup_parameters setting of PGbouncer (default: undefined / use OS default value)

Postfix configuration

Variable Description
enable_postfix Whether to enable the Postfix local MTA (default: false)
postfix_myhostname Hostname of server where Postfix will be installed (compulsory parameter if Postfix is enabled)
postfix_relayhost Relay host, the server that Postfix should send emails to (compulsory parameter if Postfix is enabled)
postfix_relayhost_port Port of relay host (default: 587)
postfix_relayhost_username User name for authentication on relay host (compulsory parameter if Postfix is enabled)
postfix_relayhost_password Password for authentication on relay host (compulsory parameter if Postfix is enabled)
postfix_smtp_enable_tls Whether to enable TLS on connections to relay host. This also enables authentication on connections to the relay host (default: true)
postfix_smtp_enable_authentication Enables authentication on connection to relay host. Only works if TLS is also enabled. (default: true)
postfix_relayhost_username User name for authentication on relay host (compulsory parameter if authentication is enabled)
postfix_relayhost_password Password for authentication on relay host (compulsory parameter if authentication is enabled)
postfix_enable_debugging This enables additional logging on connections to the relay host. Useful for troubleshooting. (default: false)
postfix_myorigin Sets origin domain for emails sent on the system. Defaults to the postfix_myhostname domain.
postfix_inet_protocols Refers to Postfix inet_protocols setting. Can be useful for running Postfix in IPv4 only mode, if no IPv6 connectivity is available (default: “all”)
postfix_canonical_map An optional dictionary of rewrite rules for email addresses. See the local Postfix MTA page for further information.

DataCite Configuration

Variable Description
datacite_username DataCite username
datacite_password DataCite password
datacite_prefix DataCite DOI prefix
datacite_rest_api_url DataCite REST API URL
datacite_tls_verify Enable TLS verification for Datacite API calls (0: no, 1: yes). Enabled by default, but disabled on development environments because these use a mock service with a self-signed certificate.

Inactive Research Group Notifications configuration

Variable Description
enable_inactivity_notification Enable notifications to datamanager groups of inactive research groups
inactivity_cutoff_months Number of months a research group has to be inactive for datamanagers to be notified

SRAM configuration

Variable Description
enable_sram Enable SRAM configuration
sram_rest_api_url SRAM Rest API URL
sram_api_key SRAM Rest API key
sram_service_entity_id SRAM Service Entity ID
sram_flow SRAM flow to use, ‘join_request’ or ‘invitation’
sram_auto_group_sync Automatic SRAM group sync
sram_verbose_logging SRAM verbose logging
sram_tls_verify Enable TLS verification for SRAM API calls. Enabled by default, but disabled on development environments because these use a mock service with a self-signed certificate.
sram_co_default_label Default label for created COs
sram_co_logo Base64 encoded image used as default SRAM CO logo (by default it has an image of the Yoda logo; see the default value for the exact format)

EPIC PID Configuration

Variable Description
epic_url EPIC PID server URI (undefined disables EPIC PID)
epic_handle_prefix EPIC PID prefix
epic_key EPIC PID key (base64 encoded)
epic_cert EPIC PID cert (base64 encoded)

Data Access Tokens configuration

Variable Description
enable_tokens Boolean indicating if Data Access Tokens for webDAV and iCommands are enabled. Must be true or false
token_database Location of the database that contain the tokens
token_database_password Token database password
token_length Length of data access tokens
token_lifetime Lifetime of data access tokens (in hours)
token_expiration_notification Send notification before token expiration (in hours)

Data Package Archive configuration

Variable Description
enable_data_package_archive Enable data package archive functionality
enable_data_package_download Enable data package download functionality
data_package_archive_fqdn Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of iRODS server connected to data archive
data_package_archive_minimum Minimum data package archive size (1 GB), -1 for no limit
data_package_archive_maximum Maximum data package archive size (100 GB), -1 for no limit
data_package_archive_resource Resource to use for data package archive functionality

Public host configuration

Variable Description
yoda_public_host Yoda public host
yoda_public_fqdn Yoda public fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
upload_priv_key Yoda public upload private key (base64 encoded)
upload_pub_key Yoda public upload public key (base64 encoded)
yoda_moai_version Version of MOAI (the OAI-PMH server) to use. Defaults to the value of yoda_version.

Landingpages configuration

Variable Description
landingpages_root Root of landingpages on server
landingpage_theme Name of landingpage theme

External user service configuration

Variable Description  
yoda_eus_fqdn Yoda External User Service fully qualified domain name (FQDN)  
yoda_eus_version Version of External User Service to use. Defaults to the value of yoda_version.  
eus_api_fqdn External User Service API fully qualified domain name (FQDN)  
eus_api_port External User Service API port  
eus_api_secret External User Service API secret  
eus_api_tls_verify Enable TLS verification for EUS API calls. Enabled by default  
eus_db_password External User Service database password  
eus_smtp_from_name External User Service email from name  
eus_smtp_from_address External User Service email from address  
eus_smtp_replyto_name External User Service email reply-to name  
eus_smtp_replyto_address External User Service email reply-to address  
eus_mail_template External User Service mail template  
eus_mail_validate_address External User Service: validate email address before sending email. If this option is enabled, EUS will only send emails to users if their username is a valid email address. It is intended to be used on environments where admins want to use an iRODS user with a non-email username to invite external users. This parameter is not meant to be enabled if the test data set installed by the test playbook has been loaded. Default value: false.  
external_users_domain_filter Domains to filter, separated by and wildcard character *

OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration

Variable Description
oidc_active Boolean indicating whether OpenId Connect with the following parameters is enabled of not. Must be true or false
oidc_domains Domains that should use OIDC (list, wildcard character *). If this parameter is set, the first domain in the list is also used to generate the user name placeholder on the portal gate and login pages.
oidc_always_redirect Ignore OIDC domains and redirect all domains
oidc_client_id OIDC Client Id
oidc_client_secret OIDC Client Secret/Password
oidc_auth_base_uri OIDC Authorization URI without parameters
oidc_login_hint Boolean indicating whether login hint should be added to Authorization URI (default: True)
oidc_token_uri OIDC Token URI
oidc_userinfo_uri OIDC Userinfo URI
oidc_scopes OIDC Scopes
oidc_acr_values OIDC Authentication Context Class Reference Values
oidc_email_field The identifier of the JSON field in the id_token containing the email address. Default: email the email address (default: email)
oidc_jwks_uri The url where the JWKS can be found (Java web key sets)
oidc_jwt_issuer The issuer of the JWT tokens (‘iss’ value in JWT, for verification)
oidc_req_exp Check that exp (expiration) claim is present
oidc_req_iat Check that iat (issued at) claim is present
oidc_req_nbf Check that nbf (not before) claim is present
oidc_verify_aud Check that aud (audience) claim matches audience
oidc_verify_iat Check that iat (issued at) claim value is an integer
oidc_verify_exp Check that exp (expiration) claim value is OK
oidc_verify_iss Check that iss (issue) claim is as expected

Mailpit configuration

Variable Description
enable_mailpit Enable Mailpit for email testing. Should only be enabled on local development environments for security reasons. Mailpit and Postfix shouldn’t be enabled simultaneously. Default: false
mailpit_version Mailpit version to install
mailpit_max_messages Maximum number of messages to store (default: 10000)
mailpit_smtp_bind_address Address to bind on for SMTP interface (default:
mailpit_smtp_port TCP port for SMTP interface (default: 25)


Variable Description
enable_irods_consistency_check Install iRODS consistency checker tool (ichk)
irods_consistency_check_version iRODS consistency checker (ichk) version
enable_icat_database_checker Install iCAT database checker
icat_database_checker_version iCAT database checker version


Variable Description
yoda_rulesets_vault_copy_multithread_enabled Enable multithreading when copying files to the vault.

Yoda report

Variable Description
enable_yoda_report Enable installation of yoda report for financial reporting