Deploying Yoda

Instructions needed for deploying a (new) Yoda instance.

Deploying new instance

Configure the new instance and run the Yoda playbook to deploy. For example, deploying the instance ‘yoda’ in an environment called ‘production’:

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/development playbook.yml --limit=yoda -K

Upgrading existing instance

To upgrade an existing Yoda instance update your Yoda Ansible repository to include the latest changes:

git pull

Install all Ansible collections needed to deploy Yoda:

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Upgrade the configuration of the Yoda Instance and then run the Yoda playbook:

ansible-playbook -i environments/development/allinone playbook.yml --limit=yoda -K

You may want to run the Yoda playbook in check mode first to see the changes it will make:

ansible-playbook -i environments/development/allinone playbook.yml --limit=yoda -CDK